Try and guess what it can mean before cotinuing reading!
I am sorry, but it doesn't mean something nice or cute, and nor it does about Eskimo kisses or something that smells good ;). This idiom is really useful to express we have had more than enough of something or someone.
It literally means: I am until my nose ("nariz" can be used in plural sometimes, more colloquially). So, usually, the person that is complaining is the subject of the sentence:
Ej. Marta siempre llega tarde, (yo) estoy hasta las narices de ella.
Ej. (Yo) Estoy hasta las narices de estudiar, necesito un descanso.
It can be used with the verb "tener" and the personal pronouns "me, te, le, nos, os, les", and it means exactly the same, but the subject of the sentence is not the person anymore, but the thing that makes him/her angry! So the verb will agree with that new subject as we can see in these examples:
Ej. Marta siempre llega tarde, me tiene hasta las narices.
Ej. Este examen me tiene hasta las narices, es demasiado difícil.
I hope you find it usefull!
Un beso enorme, guapos y guapas (y GUAPO ;).