jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014

La doble negación: NO + NO = NO

Two 'NOES' in Spanish are not a yes, but a NO :P
As simple as that. 
We DO like to repeat things: it happens with 'no', it happens with personal pronouns, etc. We can't help it it seems ;)

If you want to say 'I have done nothing today!' we would say No he hecho nada!'

There are a few options among this weird realtionship with negation:

Ej. I don't want any chair in here = No quiero ninguna silla aquí. *(alguna vs. ninguna)

Ej. I don't want to see anyone today = No quiero ver a nadie hoy.  *(alguien vs. nadie)

Ej. I don't want to see you ever/anymore = No quiero verte nunca/más/nunca más.

Any doubts? ¿Alguna duda? Any requests? ¿Alguna petición? 

Un beso de queso :D


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