domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Modismo del día: 'POR LAS NUBES'


Today it's the turn of "POR LAS NUBES". You might now the meaning already or maybe you can guess it!

Where are the clouds? how high? ... these can be easy clues to get to the meaning.

If we say:
'Tengo el colesterol por las nubes' 
'El precio de la gasolina está por las nubes' high is the level or the price of these two things???

SKYHIGH, of course :P As easy as this. Write it down in your brain's notebook.

I add this image because it is how Chris got to know this expression and I believe and hope it is useful! :)

* Notice the double meaning of 'chorizo' in this case :D If you don't know it, check it! you will find it funny and I don't even know the origin. If you found it out and you could share it here it would be great!

Espero que os guste.
Un besazo.


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